Friday 28 April 2017

The Character of Happy Life

                                The  Character of Happy Life
Image result for images of a poem character of a happy life             This is a poem by Henry Wotton focuses on the ingredients  required  in order to  lead a life divided into six stanzas. This poem makes us aware about how to lead a happy life. In the first stanza, the poet says that if a person who is educated does not follow what the others say and his extremely honest to  his own self and believes in the simple truth of life is considered to be happy.
         In the second stanza, the poet further explains us that  a person who is not driven by passion and is always prepared for death. He how does not worry  about to mush of fame or privacy is supposed to be happy.  Moving towards the third stanza , the poet feels that  a person is happy if he does not envy anybody who has  no voice and  does not following  other rule except rule of good.
        The forth stanza makes us aware about the characteristics of a happy person who is free from all the rumors who is more strong who is not fond of flattery or criticism. Fifth stanza tells us that  a person who prays  to God both early and late and who has well chosen books or friends is considered to be happy.
           The last stanza is a combination of all which says that a happy man his free from all the bands fearless of rise or fall m who is a master of  himself is the happiest person of all.


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