Friday 28 April 2017

Language learning through Music or songs

Sound of Music : Stimulates to Word power


  • Benefits of music in process of language learning. 
  • Impact of music on power of expression.
  • Creative ways of using songs in classroom such as an educative tool.
  • Lending melody and pitch to speed through songs.
         It is said that by Victor Hugo, “ Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot be remain silent”. As me too agree with this statement because music is an important part of everyday life. Music brings people together and helps in defining unique cultures and languages too. Music plays a key role in early language acquisition and can help to boost language learning. Neurologists have found that musical and language processing occurs in the same area of brain. Music can be a great way to motivate students of all levels to learn new world language and help them practice grammar, retain vocabulary and improve pronunciation. Songs and Poetry are very interesting and strong means of developing language ability. It is true rhythmic and musical pattern appeal to reader more than the prosaic. “Music rhythmic training is the only proven method to boost the full intellectual linguistic capacity of a child.” 


           These advantages benefit both the development of their mother tongue and Foreign language . Speech as a form of communication has evolved from our original development and use of music. This explains why our neutral networks have significant overlap. We are emotionally connected to music that have unique ability to find effective ways to educate, engage and promote the understanding of students . Thus , this paper focus on how the recital of poems and its musical effects can create a favorable atmosphere for learning a language.

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