Saturday 29 April 2017

The Old Woman

                                                           The Old Women
Related image        Joseph Campbell has written this poem, his work is vast  covering many aspects  of the human experience. His philosophy is often summarized by the phrase ‘follow your bliss’. “The Old Woman” is  about the beauty of old lady. The poet represents her beauty by comparing her with natural elements. The Poet portrays a life of old woman with all her major responsibilities over and who is living her life in Solitude.

      This poem consists of three stanzas with each stanza comparing her with three different aspects.
       In the First Stanza, he compares her with Purity, Piousness, Holiness and Peace of the ambiance  of the holy temple as white candle looks beautiful in the holy place in same manner she looks extremely beautiful in the old age. Poet wants to focus on the sense of satisfaction that can be seeing on the face of the old woman. The old woman guides other family members and younger with the wide experience of her life.
           In the second stanza, he compared her with radiance of the sun which gives sense of calmness and happiness in the season where the sun is required the most along with this the poet wishes to justify that her long travel with lost and lost of ups and down in life.
       In the last stanza, the comparison goes further the poet compares her with the Mill, stillness, steadiness, understanding , maturity  with the still water of the ruined mill. Her thought is still like still water if her thoughts on presses by becomes static in mature.


          In this way ,the poet  talks about the old woman is serene in her life. It is easy to see the beauty of young lady but it needs understanding and imagination to see the beauty of an old age. The poet’s presentation is very different and beautiful in this poem.

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