Friday 28 April 2017

Joy and Woe are Woven Fine

            Image result for comic and tragic face

            This poem by William Blake, is based on the concept of ‘Joy’ and ‘Woe’. Blake wants us to believe that both are two sides of one coin. He wants us to take into consideration both emotions as part and parcel of everyone’s life. In this world , we are inclined to see the outer woes and miss the inner joys which are hidden beneath them within each of us is a  prepared to develop its spiritual nature which allows one to live eternally even when bound in the clothes of time and matter.
Image result for image of the poem Joy and Woe

          In the first two lines, the poet talks us that Joy and Woe are weaved together as the clothing of the soul in the next two lines poet tells us that beneath every grief and sorrow is silken chord of Joy. In last four lines he wants us to believe that we are made in order to experience bought Joy and Woe and people who accept this would be able to live life and would get peaceful death. He has used contrasts in the works. Like a man , the divine soul has worn the cloths is a metaphor in the poem. 

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