Friday 28 April 2017

I love all BeauteousThings

                    Image result for i love all beauteous things by robert bridge
          This poem by Robert Bridges talks about how the human beings have started  ignoring what is made for them. According to the poet ‘God has gifted humans with this beautiful world but we don’t have time to appreciate , we are always running after things which are momentary.
                    In the first stanza, the poet says that he is in love with all the beautiful things in the world and he is always looking forward towards created by God but most of us do not find time to even have a look at the beautiful things created by God. In the second stanza, the poet himself decides to make something and wishes to enjoy every moment of eat making on the other hand “he does not worry about whether it will have any significance tomorrow or not it mind seem, it will turn  out to be a  senseless creation  later on because poet believe that its about the process and not the product according to the poet beauty lies in the minute details.
              The poet through this poem wants us to represent the creation of God and enjoy its being.
                                 “Its all about Pedigree is not about degree”

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