Sunday 30 April 2017

Moby Dick

                                                           Moby Dick
Image result for images of Moby Dick a novel         I have studies this novel in my first year of graduation. Moby Dick is a novel written by Herman Melville, an American Writer. Ahab is a protagonist of the novel and captain of the ship named ‘Pequod’ is a whaling ship which goes for huge voyage the white whale at the beginning of the novel and destroyed  by the  white whale at end of the novel.
        This is the novel of Physical adventure and  psychological  one. It folds two voyages one is voyage upon seas and other is voyage into the human mind. Melville shows how the Ahab’s mind working to take revenge from White whale a once in a voyage  because of white whale he lost his one leg. Ishmael  is a narrator he is only one who  survives till the end of the novel. Here , the violent side of Nature is shown as Ahab try to destroy the nature by killing  white whale. But Nature punished him by toke his life and many other’s life with him. So, the Nature has both side happier as well as sad side. As Wordsworth’s poetry  about Nature as happier side and as Mother of Human beings but when we read the poems of Robert Frost , he has presented sad side of Nature which destroy human’s life.
         Ahab lost his life at the end only because of his ego, pride and wish of taking revenge from white whale .While Ishmael’s mind developed throughout the voyage and his emergence as philosopher cum psychologist who can speak authoritatively on human life and its vicissitude. Rightly does Ishmael say that the Pequod served as his Yale college and as his Harvard University.

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