Friday 28 April 2017


                 Henry Wordsworth Longfellow has written this poem which have  total eighteen lines. This poem is basically a nature poem. The activity  of sea wind at down is described in the poem, poet personifies sea wind.
Image result for images of a poem Daybreak        
        In first two lines, the poet says about wind, it came from the sea and it says that the mists give him space and you disappeared. The next two lines,
          “It hailed the ships and cried sail on,
            Ye mariners the night is gone”
the wind called the ships that to keep working and shouted over sailor that start their journey on the sea  with move upward sail as the  night came to an end. The next two lines it come with great haste on the land which is  very far and cry means shouted the wake up as it was day. In the next two lines  it blew through forest and ask forest  to create murmuring sound and open their leaves as flags of nature. Next lines, it touched the wood birds whose asleep with folded  wings then the birds are open their wings so that they could start their flight with sing.

        The next two lines, it went to the farm and requested the domestic crow to crow like a trumpet because the clear day was too hear. The next two lines, it whispered to the fields of ripe corn whose heads were heavily loaded to bow down to great the approaching day. In next two lines, it also blow through the tower with the church bell and called the bell to declare the hour the dawn with loud ringing sound. The last journey of the wind came to an end at the churchyard the place for burial. The wind left a sigh for those lying under the grave in peace. It is the traditional Christian belief that at the time all dad Christians will rise up with everlasting glory.

         To sum up, the poet says that the wind is blow from  one place to another  place to give the message that it is morning to all people , birds, farm etc.. and its journey is finished in the churchyard.

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