Friday 28 April 2017

Fear No More

                                       Fear No More
Image result for image of a poem Fear no more             William Shakespeare has written 37 plays and 154 sonnets that bear his name.  ‘Fear No More’ is an extract from one of Shakespeare’s plays  ‘Cymbeline’. In the original play the dead one is called Imogen , though disguised as a boy, Fidele. In fact Fidele or Imogen has just took a drug that only fakes death. Two friends immediately begin to mourn.
              Shakespeare’s poem ‘Fear No More’ is actually a part of his drama,‘Cymbeline’. It appears as a song on the death of one of the characters. This poem is based on the concept of immortality of death. The poet wants to say that death over power everything else. This poem is divided to three stands and every one of them gives prominence to the in inevitability of death.
               The poem is a type of funeral song in four stanzas of six lines each. There are two speakers, poem is addressed to the body of Fidele.  In the first stanza,  Speaker begins by offering the advise about death. Death is removal from extreme weather , hot sun in the first line and severe winter in the second line. At the end of the natural life, a person has completed their work  in life and should be on their way to their reward in heaven. Then he claims that death comes equally to rich and poor ‘golden’ people and ordinary chimney sweepers.
            In the second and third stanza, the speaker claims that death is benefit as it frees one from dread of all powerful and from economic pressures. The speaker points out that difference between strength and weakness make no difference after death. Then he lists three important types of people  who can’t  avoid death, ‘king, professor and doctor’. Everybody from king to normal person  will have to die one day and turn to dust.
        In last stanza, the speaker tells us not to be  afraid of lighting or cloud burst and we shouldn’t be afraid of any negative  opinions given by anybody  because for a dead man everything seems to be natural even the young lovers have to go to the same place as the elders did that is to death and to dust. This poem suggest the ultimate reality of life and death. Death is actually freedom which is justify properly in the song by William Shakespeare .

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