Saturday 29 April 2017

A Cup of Tea

                                         A Cup of Tea
Image result for images of The cup of Tea a story
          This short story is written by Katherine Mansfield.  Rosemary   is a main character of the story who feels pity for one beggar girl named Miss Smith. The main concern of Rosemary is her beauty is compared  with that beggar girl by her husband, Philip. When the story begun, we find a fashionable woman who is fond of shopping  and fashion itself. We also find that Rosemary goes for shopping to Paris instead of Local streets. Through this can get an idea that she belongs to upper class and don’t have any idea about poor people.
          The narrator who is unknown narrates beautiful picture of Rainy season in which Rosemary went on shopping after that she met a beggar girl who ask Rosemary for a price of cup of tea. She feel sympathy for her and decides to take her home. The house is glorious mention Rosemary serves food and tea to girl. Philip, Rosemary’s husband, comes and sees that beggar girl and became angry and talks with Rosemary and she declares to adopt the girl. But as woman is naturally jealous by other woman. Philip find a single way to persuade that h praise that beggar girl which automatically affects Rosemary as she jealous from that girl and goodbye to that girl by giving her three pounds.  Here we find that woman is enemy of another woman and the theme of beauty works here. This story focus on woman’s mind when her romantic dreams come into conflict with reality. Psychological condition of woman’s mind is very well presented here.


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