Thursday 14 December 2017

Use of Various Platforms of Social Media for academic purpose

                                           Image result for gif images of various platforms of social media
          Social Media are technologies that facilitate the new creations and sharing new thoughts, ideas, information, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and network. It can help to improve individuals’ sense of connectedness with real or online communities. It can link various countries, states, cities or people together for different purpose.
    I came into contact with these all platforms of social media during my academic learning of Master of English before that I am using some of it like FB & Gmail but for general use not for academic development. In masters, from the very first day I started to use various platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google Classroom, Instagram ,  Gmail, G+, Linked In (Slideshare) , Flipped Learning Mode, Blogger, Google Drive, Google Calender, Youtube and Coursera (online courses). 

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Facebook- I used it from last 3 years but from last year of masters , it helped me a lot to express my new thoughts, unique and innovative ideas and critical views about various things. My FB wall is not much fill with the photos or selfies but I have shared and regularly sharing the academic posts with photos and videos about whatever academic events I have attended and from that what I have learnt, I share my experience. I also shared my feelings and emotions whenever I am sad or happy for the situations, it give me platform where I can share my views while sometimes friends and family also don’t listen your feelings, ideas and thoughts, this platform listen silently and help to sent it the thousand of the people.
Image result for Gif google classrom

Google Classroom- This platform introduced to me by my Professor Dilip Barad and it is a very unique classroom than traditional classroom where teacher and students have to present on the same place while here teacher and students from different countries can connect easily and learn things from teacher. Here, we can also ask teacher if we have any queries in our mind.

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Blogger - Here, we can also share our views, any short or long creative or critical write up like poems, essays, movie and book reviews and many other things. In our master study, we are writing time and again various blogs as tasks given by teacher on any texts, topics or literary movies where we can improve our writing skill. We have also used to write assignments on every paper by using this platform which can reach to the global public all over the world and help others as reading materials. Now, I am owner of nearly 61 personal blogs and 24 assignment blogs which contain my original thoughts.

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G-mail – This is also global platform which can connect the world. In this modern time, everyone should have their email ids with proper name. By this platform, we have enhanced our learning process where we are doing various online discussions on some contemporary issues, articles of newspapers and movies also. It is officially very important wherever you apply for job, admission or any competitive exams, they ask for your email id.

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Google+ - This platform is link with blogger whenever we published our blogs it directly shared on G+. This is not so much known to me before I join my masters but then I start to use it and now I have many followers all over the world who like and appreciate my writings. Then, I know the value of sharing our thoughts on the global platform where people from anywhere read our writings which may also help them. We have also our Department Google group where we share and discussed the things together.

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Slideshare – Here we can share our write up in form of presentations where now I have around 15 presentations on academic topics which can help global public for that I have also received good comments and likes for presentation ideas. Here, your overall presentation slides has been evaluate on the basis of how your slides are prepared with brief points not full of texts, with appropriate pictures and videos.
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YouTube – On this platform, you can see various academic graphical videos or entertaining videos like various online movies. I have used a lot this platform for many aspects. You can also upload your own any academic videos, we are used to share our presentation videos on YouTube which shoot in our department during our academic presentation every semester which I will share soon.

Coursera – Our sir has introduced with this platform for online courses on various topics of our interest where all the resources are available in form of video lectures and reading materials. After that they provide different quiz and ask you for small write up which express your views on that topic.  I have tried it once for the online course on Philosophy, Science and Religion and I have successfully completed it. It was very unique experience where you learn with people of different countries and you can come to know about their views.


Google Drive & Calendar – In Drive, we can safely stored our very important documents, materials, photos and many other things which can help whenever and wherever we are, we can get any official documents from this any time that is the big advantage of it and Calendar reminds you for important events after we have set date in it. Our sir used to set important dates of various events like guest lectures, final exams which reminds if we forget it.

Flipped Learning – This is also best platform for learning process where the video resources, reading materials are available which help to improve all basic skills of language learning LSRW.

      The major and important part of this learning process of two years of masters is remain which we will do at the end of our forth semester that is Digital Portfolio in which we will link our all the blogs, achievements, creative as well as critical writings together. So, during my masters I come into contact with these all platforms of social medias and I have learn a lot from all these and for that I would like to thank all my teachers Pro. Dilip Barad, Poojaba Jadeja, Parth Bhatt who taught me to use these all social media in proper academic and effective manner and the inventors of all platforms of  social media.

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