Tuesday 12 December 2017

From the Amoretti by Edmund Spenser

                                        From the Amoretti
                                                            By Edmund Spencer
                                                   Image result for Amoretti poem
      ‘Amoretti’ is a sonnet written by Spencer in 16th century. The meaning of the word ‘Amoretti’ is ‘little love poems’. This poem is part of the 89 sonnets of Faerie Queen and is 75th sonnet about love and desire. Spencer  wrote as  a part of  courtship of his second wife Elizabeth  Boyle.
        Spencer has used sonnets in this poem, in beginning lines he wrote about efforts that he done to mortalize his beloved’s name by writing it on the sand near the seashore but waves came and vanish it like his enemy. He tried a ot but waves comes again as he said ,
           “But the tide came and made my pains his prey”

       By this line we can understand how the waves being enemy of poet. He has fear that as nature wiped out his beloved’s name may be his name wiped out by nature.

        At end, he said she was die in dust but live in his memory  and in the world y fame. This suggest the in love , aggressive  pursuit is not only successful techniques.

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