Friday 15 December 2017

Sweetest Love I do not go by John Donne

                   Image result for Sweetest Love I do not go by John Donne
            This poem is in form of song by Donne deals with the theme of love. The poet is addressed by the lover to his beloved. It presents before us the scene of parting between the lover and his beloved.
        The song opens with the lover’s request to his beloved that he is going away from her not because he is tired of her or because of the hope that he will be able to find out a better companion for himself, he tries to convince her that at last parting is bound to be there and so he would prefer an artificial parting by death and not real parting by forgetting her forever. The lover is the firm in his belief that death can’t cause parting between him and his beloved.
     The lover gives an example of Sun which last night went away comes back today morning, thought that sun has neither desire nor sense to come back. Comparing himself with the sun, the lover mentions that he has both desire and sense and so he would come back at the earliest just like that sun, his path is shorter than of the sun and would make a speedy journey to come back to his beloved. His wings are his desire to meet her again and so he would come back.
    Further, lover speaks about how helpless mankind is. Though man consider himself very powerful, he can’t add one hour more to his happy days of the life. Equally weak man is that he can’t bring back a happy time which has already gone from his life. At the most man can remember that past. The lover make humble request to her beloved not to sigh and weep because when she sighs and weeps , his soul and blood which are in beloved come out. If she truly loves him, her sigh and tears must stop because she has no right to waste his soul and blood.

     The concluding part of the song is the lover’s request to his beloved that she should not think anything sad or bad because destiny plays its role. So, for they lived together and after death they would sleep side by side in their grave. The lover wants to assure her that nothing can cause parting between him and his beloved.

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