Wednesday 13 December 2017

One of the Best experiences of life in Learning Process

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One of the Best experiences of life in Learning Process
          I get an idea to write this blog from one of my seniors & G.S , Yesha Bhatt and for that I would like to thank her to lead me towards express my personal views of successfully completing M.A part-I in English literature along with Digital skills at department of English MK Bhavnagar University.
                             'You can't fail 
                              unless you quit.'
          I would like to share my experience of Getting First Rank in M.A Part-1( English) in final University exam of #MKBU after learning so many things. It is not  matter of  getting first rank in only written test but it is the combine result of hard works of whole year by giving so many practical online tasks , presentations , assignments, quiz, blog tasks, attending conferences, seminars, workshops and guest lectures, internal tests and many other different activities.
       I am satisfied with the results of my hard works, it’s not the end result but the real journey of learning starts now. I am ready to face the all the challenges of my life with happiness because I learn this from my teacher (Pro. Dilip Barad) , he always used to say that if you make your two years of masters a hell by your hard works , you will definitely reach to the heaven/ paradise in  future which I have personally observed that our seniors who passed out from department with hard works  they are successful in their life by getting better job.
      People always have belief that to get first rank in exams is not so difficult, anyone can do by cramming but in masters things are different, you can’t cramming anything but you need proper understanding and critical mindset because you are going to write or express your critical views not only summaries.
        I have learnt so many things in my first year of masters to deal with different people, to argue, discussed on different topics and most important part is use of technology or digital skills in literature through writing blogs, presentations, use online sources for further understanding and research, online courses and webinars etc. I also get enough knowledge about GSET / NET exams from all the guests that are invited specially from Poojaba Jadeja and Milan Parmar , former students who recently have passed GSET and inspired me and others to give that exam and I gave GSET exam and  take experience of it. From that I get positive attitude that I will definitely pass in in future. Before std 10, I am not so serious about studies but slowly and steadily it increase and I am now at the stage where I can get satisfaction for what I have done.
      For all these, I would like to thank my all teachers who encouraged me for learning different things in my life.

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