Tuesday 12 December 2017

Fakeer of Jungheera by Derozio

                               Fakeer of Jungheera
                                                                       By Henry  Derozio
                                 Image result for fakeer of jungheera
         This is a long poem by Derozio, he was a poet, novelist and writer. His most of the works based n the Indian religions, culture, rules and regulations, rigidity etc.. of Indian society that based on the different religions and castes and its different belief system which strongly effects more the lives of women rather than the men.

   In India we have many religions like


and many more. This poem is based on the Hindu philosophy. Castism  also plays vital role on the lives of Indian people like in earlier time , we have major four Varnas like

        These all Varnas are based on the different occupations done by people. These all are the major sources that affects lives of people.
       In this poem, Derozio has describes one of the inhuman practices that going on in Indian society  that is Sati Pratha in which women are forced to die after the death of their husbands if they want or not. They don’t have right to start new life. We have also Sati Temples in which we worship Goddess Sati. Nuleeni is protagonist  who forced to be sati after husband’s death by Indian society but she doesn’t want to be Sati , so she escapes with her lover (Fakeer) but her lover killed by that society and she kills herself after that.
       This poem presents the cruel picture of real society of India and how it treat with the lives of human only for the sake of the religion ad caste.

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