Friday 15 December 2017

The Dream by John Donne

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            The present poem is about the theme of love. The central idea of this poem is love in fantasy, or in dream is more perfect and fulfilling than love in reality. Love in reality, makes both the persons aware of differences and the happiness disappear. In the world of the fantasy, the beloved is as pr desire of lover without differences and that’s why the lover enjoys that dream more than real company of his beloved.
Poem makes clear that her impression is carved on his heart and it is give value to his heart, the lover gives example of the King and the coin,

‘As Kings do coins, to which their stamps impart’

The way king’s image gives value to the coin, her image on his heart gives value to his heart. Lover’s great heart is medal which he would like to give to her. After she is gone, lover experience her presence in his fantasy/dream that give him more joy than her real presence. It is during his fantasy that the lover can escape from his pain because the pain is the real.

     The Lover knows that after remaining in the dream, he will have to come back to the world of reality but he would not repent for remaining in that dream because it gives him more joy than reality. He knows the truth of life.

 ‘Alas, true joys at best are dream enough…’

      This line of the lover expresses two meanings 1) true joy is only a dream and 2) person can experience true joy only in a dream. The Lover enjoys presence not so much as he enjoys her absence. The lover would like to be a mad person with a heart filled with love. He does not want to be an idiot without heart and her love.

    The overall idea of this poem is that joy in reality is different from joy in Dream. The lover prefers fantasy to her presence for the real joy of love.

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