Wednesday 13 December 2017

Stopping by Woods on the Snowy Evening by Robert Frost

Stopping by Woods on the Snowy Evening by Robert Frost
                         Image result for stopping by woods on a snowy evening painting
       The present poem is deep philosophical and one of the most celebrated poems of Frost. The first prime minister of the Independent India, Nehru was so much influenced and impressed with the message of this poem that he used to kept this poem on his table beneath the glass.
     The poem is simple but the message that it conveys to the readers is deep philosophical and significant about life. The subject matter of the poem is simple , poet goes to a dark, deep, lovely forest on his horseback. It is very beautiful place where poet is tempted to stay and pass the night in the forest but suddenly his horse shakes its head to ring the bells which are tied to its harshness. Here, horse represents the voice of poet’s soul that ask him if he mistaken by decide to stay in the forest. Poet reminds that,
          “The Woods are lovely, dark and deep
            But I have many promises to keep
            And miles to go before I sleep
            And miles to go before I sleep.”

Here, sleep symbolize ultimate death but poet finally realizes that there are so many responsibilities and works to be done by him before he dies. So, he can’t stay there but continue his journey. Poem is about the internal dilemma of the between love for beauty and sense of duty.

       Poet chose the sense of duty and gives the final message that sense of duty (karmas) in life is more important than tempting beauty, no tempting beauty should ever prove to be a hindrance on the path of duty. Poem is also speak similar to Indian Philosophy of Karmas that doing your Karmas and don’t worry about the results.

      In our life, many times it happens with us that we are tempted by many things in our life like money, success, beauty & love but we can’t stay/stop there forever, we should continue our journey to reach at the goal or the final destination of life by performing various works, duties / responsibilities till the end of our life.

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