Sunday 4 March 2018

Online Discussion: Fiction and Lies 2018

Fiction and Lies

“Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.”

‘Lies’ and ‘Fiction’ are different, we believe that what is told by the writers is Fiction which is unknown to us as the history itself a fiction as it is told in a different way as the reality and its way of the representation is quite different. We can’t say that history is lie because we don’t the exact history but if we know the truth and it is told as lie, we can’t accept it as ‘Will to truth’, Harry Potter didn’t accept the lie of the Dumbuldore because he knew him very well. It happens that Fiction is also lie told by writers and historians but we don’t know exact reality, so we can’t say that it is totally lie.

In the write up of Ursula K. Guin, she has described that we fiction writers make up stuff. Some of it clearly impossible, some of it realistic, but none of it real - all invented, imagined and we call it fiction because it isn’t fact. We may call some of it “alternative history” or “an alternate universe,” but make absolutely no pretense that our fictions are “alternative facts.” (Le Guin, 2017)

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In this point, we can give the example of the ‘Harry Potter’ by J K Rowling which is considered as fantasy novel, if we overview it we find the events that is happen through magic, it is almost impossible and some parts like abuse or insult of poor class people by the upper class people that is realistic but if we look at the characters, events, magical things etc are all invented or imagined not real one. We call it fiction because it doesn’t have facts, we may also call Potter’s world ‘alternate universe’ which is created not real.

Ed Dickerson gave very interesting examples of what is lies and fiction trough the example of films that ‘The film is fiction, indeed fantasy. But it is, in the deepest sense, true’ and many factual stories accurately reflect events and activities but are false in the deep sense. So, we can’t completely say that fiction always tell truth and Factual Stories tell always truth.  (Dickerson, 2013)

In Post truth era, we can’t say that what is truth and what is lie because the lies also became truth by misrepresentation of the real events that is happened as in daily newspaper, what is printed regularly is also a half truth or may be lie because it is affected by the power politics and money which change truth into lie.

Works Cited

Dickerson, E. ( 2013, January 23). Fiction and Lies. Retrieved march 5, 2018, from

Le Guin, U. K. (2017, Feb 2). Ursula K. Le Guin Wants Everyone to Know the Huge Difference Between 'Alternative Facts' and Fiction. Retrieved March 5, 2018, from

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