Thursday 15 March 2018

Online Discussion : Cultural Studies and Post colonialism

Moni Mohsin, author of the best selling social satire wrote against of the controversial questions raised and favors the literary writer Sharmeen Obaid- Chinoy, who won Academy award for her documentary, 'A girl in the river'.

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I am agree with this point, 'Of course western interest can be narrow in its focus and agenda driven. But whose is not? Instead of frothing with self-righteous rage or manufacturing hysterical conspiracy theories to justify other people’s selective interest or indifference, we would be better served to confidently define our own priorities. We have to fight our battles, celebrate our heroes and tell our stories truthfully.
And if we find that these stories shame us, then we must do something about them. But for those of us still fixated on the ‘image’ issue, it’s quite simple really: you want better PR? Improve the product.' from the following article.

Post Colonial aspects

If we see from the postcolonial perspectives, people believe that if any Indian (eastern) writer got award for their works from western countries which is portraying negative image of their own country, it's only because of west is happy to see the bad situation of eastern countries but in reality,it is not true reason for that but Eastern writers got awards for their best work which give the  real image of a country as it is not positive/negative. Every writer should have freedom of expression what they are feeling or observing in a country.

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s Academy Award for her documentary, A Girl in the River, has been much celebrated at home. Deservedly so. In this documentary, she has presented reality of women's life that how women in Pakistan are suffering by he honour killing which may bring change in women's life after showing the true picture of it. Once reality came out, we can change the bad situation but if it is still hidden we can't do anything as there are so many incidents/crimes happen with women daily which can't reported in news or by any documentary like this. This documentary only talking about Pakistan but there are so many unknown places and villages where still women are suffering which needs to came out to change it. So, this types of documentary should be made which help in bringing change.

As there are many writers who has given the bad but real image of the India like Danny Boyle’s film, Slumdog Millionaire, won big at the Oscars, talks about the Indian people, their nature and realk image of life of slum dwellers.

This single documentary has generated abroad to prompt Nawaz Sharif’s avowal to put an end to honour killings at home and embolden Imran Khan to publicly decry the practice. So this short film is became bless for Pakistani girl and it made change in Pakistani rules. So this documentary is became most important for Pakistani government for made changes in their rules.

Thank you,

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