Tuesday 8 August 2017

Review of Play 'DigDarshak'

Hindi One Act Play'DigDarshak'

                                                                                                                             08, August, 2017

         Today ,we have screening of Hindi play  ‘Digdarshak’ , written by Priyam Jani and directed by Rishit Jhaveri  in Department of English MKBU, organised by Film Screening Committee. Generally story is about a theatre director who reunites with one of his student who become Bollywood   Superstar but Director disappointed that his student leave him and theatre too.  Director is very serious and conscious about theatre as he gave his whole life to it  than his family. So, here  he can’t balance his family along with his work ,which is very important skill that how you maintain your work and all family relations together. Here the  work is first priority than family. Here the  main and interesting topic is   Cinema  v/s  Theatre. When we are talking  about Cinema is all about your facial expression and gestures , sound of the dialogues is not high because  camera captures all things. Cinema is not cup of tea of any single person to make movie, it need many people like director, actor, cameraman, costume ,designer, scriptwriter and many more , so it became democratic  while  Theatre is controlled by single person that is director or trainer of drama, so it became autocratic. Trainer may be angry, rude or have no passions where as teacher passion should be there.
     Asva Play is in flashback technique or we can say that art within art, it’s like the Play within Play of Hamlet where Hamlet have talk with actors and play a role in that, name of the play was “The Murder of Gonzago”. Digdarshak is like a Kunstlerroman  means work of art who portrays the growth to maturity of an Artist, so here it can be apply as it shows the growth of an theatre Artist. Every new generation is smarter than old one , so here student became Bollywood star and his trainer don’t happy with that but slowly he accept his student’s success. 
     There is also one play named “Six  Characters in Search of an Author” by Luigi Pirandello , is an Italian play and performed in 1921. It is  an absurdist metatheatrical play about the relationship among authors, their characters  and theatre practitioners which somehow have similar plot to ‘Digdarshak’. Here, we have also familiar with the director and writer’s intention to make play like this which is very difficult to know in literature .
     I have no much knowlegde about theater but as literature student and after the valuable discussion on this play among teachers and students , I have written this blog as my views on this play. So, overall this is very productive and fruitful  session on play for literature students and Art lovers.


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