Thursday 13 July 2017

Online discussion on Post Truth

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  Post Truth' is quite related to politics in this era. Two words, Sense and Sensibility are used to understood something.Truth is mostly related to Sense, facts ,evidence etc.To know real truth we generally try to find out reasons or evidence as in legal process facts or evidences require to know or to prove what truth is? But in the concept of post truth the word sensibility or emotionality used to prove what is a truth? as per situations which is more applicable to the politics that is in any way covert lie into Truth.

For example , Political Leaders often try to convince people by emotional attack in their pathetic situations. Like Narendra Modi often promise the people to bring change by his great speech but there is only 20 or 30% truth exist.As sometimes before, he declared that he will help financially poor people of India for that he told that people has to open Jan Dhan accounts and people opened accounts but nothing happens till now.Till their accounts are empty.That accounts now used by people who has Blake money by offering little amount to the account holders and this idea of caught the wrong people who have lots of Blake money ,its also cannot be true as declared . So, this types of thing became truth which is not so true but making truth.

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