Thursday 13 July 2017

Classroom activity on T.S Eliot's 'The Wasteland'

Image result for wasteland

Respected sir
Here, I am sharing my views on these three questions as the classroom thinking activity on 'The Wasteland'

1) The views of Nietzsche and Eliot are totallly contrasted, Nietzsche gave the concept of 'Superhuman' and 'Death of God' that faith in self can lead to be a superhuman and no need of God, but everyone can not be a superhuman, there is not much difference in thinking process of various people, some of them can get superpower and slowly and steadily be a godly figure like Buddha, he himself superhuman and not believe in god but his followers made him god.While Eliot try to find the solutions from the past and myths for present problem and gave us universal truth by examine various cultures. He was religious and spiritual quite opposite from the thinking of Nietzsche. Both are very opposite in their views

one is forward looking and progressive while other is regressive and backward looking. Past is the base of present and future through which we can improve our ability.

2) Views of Freud are quite true that free vent of primitive instincts leads us towards the happy life and give satisfaction.The sexual desires of mankind is natural thing, when we try to stop it , it can be give dangerous results, Prostitution is also necessary for society which can fulfilled the sexual desires , if it doesn't exist , it may give the bad results like the case of rape or molestation of women can be happen in society even in family also because it's repression stored the desires in subconscious mind of people. So , it's good that desires can be fulfilled. Ex,'Fire' movie indicates that Radha's sexual desires with her husband can't be fulfilled because her husband believes in religion and salvation which leads Radha towards Lesbian Relations. But it should have it's limit , otherwise it create chaos in society. Eliot said that the salvation of man lies in the preservation of culture but the Culture made by us not by primitivism. So, I agree with the Freud's psychology of unconscious and subconscious mind. Osho also give the same idea that if we want to reach at salvation or love , its only by the fulfillment of all your sexual desires , otherwise we can;t get true salvations. In contemporary time we can see that how the saints show off the spiritual work while they are also doing same thing but mot openly.

3) In his master piece,Eliot has taken many myths or references from various sources like Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity.

Through this he gave the universal truth . Indian thoughts also very well expressed in this like he used the Upanishads Philosophy

where uses the images of Ganga in lines

“Ganga was sunken, and the limp leaves waited for rain,
While the black clouds Gathered far distant, over Himavant.”

through this he talks about the salvation and peace of life which very well in last lines of poem ,Eliot uses the three " Da" which is taken from " Brihadaranyaka Upanishads". Means...

1.Datta.... Be Giver

We have to be giver. For sake of humanity, lots of people scarified their life also because only blood purify the evils. Humanity are survived only because of such people.

2. Dayadhvam....Sympathies

Everybody is in his prison because of self ego. And self is the key to come out from it but really it is very difficult task.

3. Damyata........Self Control

Shantih Shantih Shantih ,reapetation od this indicates the 'peace which passeth understanding', there is no darkness and dawn is come which give hope for better generartion.

Thank you,

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