Wednesday 31 January 2018

Knowledge and Power

Use google to get knowledge is not wrong thing but some people have prejudices that search everything in google is sign that you don't have any knowledge, while to remember historical facts is not the sign of intelligent people but it's all about memorize things that is not so important in today's world like we don't need to remember tables when there is calculator.

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    In history, Knowledge and Power, these two words are interrelated with each other where people who were in power have/get knowledge like Brahmins who were in power can get knowledge easily while people who belonged to lower class/caste can't get knowledge easily like Eklavya had to face many problems to learn archery.But in 21st century everyone can get knowledge easily because of revolutionary change that come with Google, Wikipedia and other online sources or websites, now there is no difference whether people have power or not, anyone can get any knowledge and information at free of cost. Googling is very important skill in this digital age where one can get knowledge of every field. Information that is on google is mostly about facts or history and many information is available on google but it depend on us that can we find it or not. It also require skill of googling and we have to use our mind to understand it properly that how to search in google by giving proper key words to find proper things. But what humans require is that critical, innovative thinking and new perspective to looking towards historical facts. These all is prepared by humans as sense of sharing knowledge not god gifted but some people believe that google is not be able to answers some of the questions but for that most important thing is that we have to be uploaders than only downloaders then and then every knowledge will be available on google. If we start to contribute something in form of knowledge in virtual world it will help many people who want to get real knowledge.

Below images are about the survey has done on how it is useful in personal as well as professional life and how many schools and collages are allowing students to use it in classrooms.

         Image may contain: textImage may contain: text

1 comment:

  1. True...well explained things on behalf of those who uses technology 👌
