Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Knowledge and Power

Use google to get knowledge is not wrong thing but some people have prejudices that search everything in google is sign that you don't have any knowledge, while to remember historical facts is not the sign of intelligent people but it's all about memorize things that is not so important in today's world like we don't need to remember tables when there is calculator.

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    In history, Knowledge and Power, these two words are interrelated with each other where people who were in power have/get knowledge like Brahmins who were in power can get knowledge easily while people who belonged to lower class/caste can't get knowledge easily like Eklavya had to face many problems to learn archery.But in 21st century everyone can get knowledge easily because of revolutionary change that come with Google, Wikipedia and other online sources or websites, now there is no difference whether people have power or not, anyone can get any knowledge and information at free of cost. Googling is very important skill in this digital age where one can get knowledge of every field. Information that is on google is mostly about facts or history and many information is available on google but it depend on us that can we find it or not. It also require skill of googling and we have to use our mind to understand it properly that how to search in google by giving proper key words to find proper things. But what humans require is that critical, innovative thinking and new perspective to looking towards historical facts. These all is prepared by humans as sense of sharing knowledge not god gifted but some people believe that google is not be able to answers some of the questions but for that most important thing is that we have to be uploaders than only downloaders then and then every knowledge will be available on google. If we start to contribute something in form of knowledge in virtual world it will help many people who want to get real knowledge.

Below images are about the survey has done on how it is useful in personal as well as professional life and how many schools and collages are allowing students to use it in classrooms.

         Image may contain: textImage may contain: text

Sunday, 28 January 2018

The White Tiger by Arvind Adiga

Image result for white tiger book

                  The novel won Man Booker Prize in 2008, which gives realistic and graphic picture of some of the canniest truths about India.  Balram is the protagonist who tells a story his financial rise and moral deterioration by writing series of letters but never send to Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, who has come to India to learn about the Indian economic miracle so that China can emulate it.

This blog is part of academic activity given by Prof. Dilip Barad that you can see here.

1.   How Far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The White Tiger?

Ans. Balram portrayed India from his perspective, which is the true but half-necked picture of real India as in beginning he said that it is an autobiography of half-baked Indian. Therefore, we can’t rely totally on his views that are half-true. As he criticize many aspects of Indian Society like Education where teachers are not working properly and get money by selling student’s uniforms in other village. Therefore, he talks about which kind of corruption happen in schools. Religion - he criticized religion that also taught us about servitude by example of Hanuman who was faithful servant of the Lord Rama and we worship him in out temples as shining example of how to serve your maters with absolute fidelity, love and devotion. Elections, he criticize election process and corruption that happens as politicians offer money, some food or drink to needed people to get more votes. They take wrong fingerprints from different people. Land Lords and their wrong practice with poor workers and he gave them name of four animals. He also show the real picture of many other things like villages as dark India, Ganga river, journey of entrepreneurs , Gandhi etc. These all things also can be observed in real Indian Society but some critics do not agree with the India that portrayed in this novel as M.Q Khan discussed in his article. Therefore, India in this novel remains as Adiga’s India not whole India.

2. Do you believe that Balram’s story is the archetype of all stories of ‘rags to riches’?

Ans.  No, we can’t say that Balram’s story is the archetype of all stories of ‘rags to riches’ but it can be present 10 or 20 percent stories of ‘rags to riches’ that is base on the deeds like of Balram otherwise not all successful people are murderers of their masters to be successful. Most of them get something by their hard words and sweat not by wrong deeds the way Balram did. Many successful people or entrepreneurs come out by their intelligent mind and hard work. These are the links from where you can know more about successful entrepreneurs and their life stories from ‘rags to riches’.

3. "Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique, deconstructive criticism aims to show that any text inevitably undermines its own claims to have a determinate meaning, and licences the reader to produce his own meanings out of it by an activity of semantic 'freeplay' (Derrida, 1978, in Lodge, 1988, p. 108). Is it possible to do deconstructive reading of The White Tiger? How?

Ans. Yes, this text can be deconstructed as he himself said that he was half-baked Indian in this,

“Me, and thousands of others in this country like me, are half-baked, because we were never allowed to complete our schooling. Open our skulls, look in with a penlight, and you'll find an odd museum of ideas: sentences of history or mathematics remembered from school textbooks (no boy remembers his schooling like one who was taken out of school, let me assure you), sentences about politics read in a newspaper while waiting for someone to come to an office, triangles and pyramids seen on the torn pages of the old geometry textbooks which every tea shop in this country uses to wrap its snacks in, bits of All India Radio news bulletins, things that drop into your mind, like lizards from the ceiling, in the half hour before falling asleep—all these ideas, half formed and half digested and half correct, mix up with other half-cooked ideas in your head, and I guess these half-formed ideas bugger one another, and make more half-formed ideas, and this is what you act on and live with. The story of my upbringing is the story of how a half-baked fellow is produced.”

By this, we can say that how the half-baked Indians who do not get proper education and have half- digested ideas can present their critical views about India.
So, Balram who considers himself as the half-baked how can people believe that his picture of India is true India.

4. Is it possible to read The White Tiger in context of the Globalization?

Ans.  Globalization has two side beneficial and non-beneficial, its defenders present it as generating fresh economic opportunities like rise of Call Centers (outsourcing)and companies give jobs to many people because of LPG (Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization), cultural diversity and open up new exiting world. Its critics see globalization as harmful, increased domination and control by wealthy over poor and increasing hegemony of ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’. It creates relationship of master and slave, person who is in power/rich rule over powerless/poor people. The novel critically analyzes the effects of the capitalism on increasing economy and Balram is representative of the new breed of the globalization who put self before the family for personal growth. We can read a novel from in context of globalization by many aspects like “only two destinies: eat—or get eaten up”, this means you have to take your food/money/economy otherwise you will become food for others.

“For surely any successful man must spill a little blood on his way to the top” , this sentence also describes the way in which many people have done wrong things to reach at top or being successful in this globalised society.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

MLA Citation and Annotated Bibliography

Hello friends,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Here I am sharing a educational video about MLA Citation and what is Annotated Bibliography prepared by Komal Tara and Megha Trivedi . This video is helpful to Research Scholars and Students who are interested in research work. Citation is very important part of any Research work and if it is done properly in your research paper, you have chance to publish it in any Research Journal.  Watch the video to expand your understanding of MLA Citation and Annotated Bibliography.                                                                                                                        Special Thanks to Poojaba Jadeja and Milan Parmar to give us guidance  about better app to make effective videos.

One Night @ Call Center

Image result for One Night @Call Center

One Night @ Call Center

This blog is part of classroom thinking activity on this novel by Chetan Bhagat.

Click here to visit blog of given activity

1) Does the novel have social realism? If yes, illustrate. If no,what did you expect as social realism which is absent here.

Ans. Yes, Social Realism is there in life of every character who is working in the call center. Chetan Bhagat is expert and has Zeitgeist in portraying the social problems that faced by youth of India like problems of Jobs, Career, Love, Marriage and others but what is the nature of their problems? Shyam considered as black sheep, anxieties in corporate jobs , privatization, consumerism to capitalism. Priyanka’s mother forced her to marry with Ganesh, Radhika has problems with mother in law and frustrated a lot , Vroom has problems of Parents who fight every day and has spirit of nationalism which make him angry while America insult India. Characters are slowly losing their self- respect. So, every young people who are represented through these all characters faces all these real problems. Through this, we can say the novel deals with the aspects of social realism. Bhagat’s other novels also deal with social problems like Problems for English Language in Half Girl friend, Problems faced by Modern working women in One Indian Girl , problems related to inter caste marriage in Two States etc..

5) What do you understand by self-help book. Is on@tcc self-help book? Illustrate

Ans. One Night @ Call Center is self-help book because it celebrates the diseases that very much affected to youth. Book provides many solution, mainly through God’s call which give moral lesson and more importantly four things brain, imagination, Self confidence and learn from failure, solution of problems and also helpful for build personal philosophy. The meaning of self help book is to self improvement and self confidence that found after God’s call in life of every characters which can also help to the readers who are facing the same problems.

6) Is this novel anti-America? Illustrate it in context of theme of nationalism.

Ans. Theme of Nationalism is found by the Vroom’s character because he has strong spirit and love for nation than other characters, he became very angry when Americans insulted India and its people. Others don’t have much problems with that because they believe that it is their duty o serve Americans and for them they get money but Vroom’s thoughts are different he is not interested much in money. He said to God that ‘If only you had given India as much as America’.

7) How far can this novel be categorized as cyberpunk? 

 Ans. Generally, Cyberpunk is a genre used in the films but many writers also used it in their novels. Chetan Bhagat has used it in his novel. All characters deals with cyber technology as Shyam hacks all phone to listen conversation of Priyanka and Ganesh, Vroom hacks Bakhi’s email and writes mail to Esha on his behalf and importantly American’s are terrorized by Vroom and Shyam with help of the bug in MS Office as virus attack on internet. By these examples, we can say that Cyberpunk is there in the novel.