Monday 20 March 2017

Deconstruction by Derida

Hello Readers, 

 This blog is part of my classroom activities of  Deconstruction by Derida.

Image result for images related to deconstruction


 Deconstruction, is difficult to define, easily as we define everything, we can't define it, Deida himself can't define it. It is not destructive activity but it only deeply examine every aspects of particular thing. Post-structuralists go into the deeper layer of the text and test it properly because they believe that every critical aspects hide within the text. As it said that "Language bears within itself necessity of its own critique", its only the activity of  decenter the center means we have to examine it by various ways and historical sense. It can't gives you final meaning but Postponed it means, it only try to find origin but it's like the matter that Sun is in the center or earth, which can't give any final answer. Its all about deconstruction not only critique.

         If I were post colonial critic I would like to analyse this above advertisements of Bajaj Platina. In this the add is about quality of scooter, for that it display that how the people are not suffered during bike ride and there is no issue of back pain. So for that they used puppet like Paro and Gulabo in second add Humpty and Dumpty through which try to prove that if road are worst condition It can give you comfort, but once they don't think about bad condition of roads. Like this there are many things which are talking about the comforts by new tools for they marketing but don't try to solve the problems of bad condition of roads.

So, through this we can understand that how they are marketing their products not really think about comforts of the people.

Like the dialogue ," Apki kamar toot jati hai es liye hamne banaya bajaj platina", it seems like their are worry about people but don't.        



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