Thursday 12 January 2017

Practical Ideas For Teaching in Higher Education


                                    Komal Shahedadpuri
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    In present time, we can see the situation and which type of system is used to teach in higher education.In this situation, practical education is most important because mostly students are habituate with the cramming things rather than practically understand.
    Education is the only key that develop the whole generation of responsible human beings who can absorb good impart it to many others. It teaches us about various things and opens up a vast variety of career options in front of us. Education can be imparted in the theoretical way or in a practical manner but out of these two which is more beneficial for the students and what should we value more is a practical education.

   Group work under proper conditions encourages peer learning , support  and many studies validate the efficacy of peer learning.Under less than ideal condition , group work can became  a Vehicle for acrimony conflict and freeloading but group work enhance students'  understanding. Students learn from each other  and get benefits from activities  that require them to articulate and test their  knowledge. Group work provides an opportunity for students to clarify and refine their understanding  of concept through discussion and rehearsal with peers. Through that , increase the sense of  responsibility and specific generic skill. Students learn the dynamic leadership skill , Analytical skill and Time management skill.

      The present  theoretical education kills  the spirit of learning. Great philosopher PLATO said 'Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness  but  direct them to it by what amuses their minds so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each , in resent time it has been discovered that a real and extremely valid way for students to love Science and be keen to know more to provide them with time to play around with real Science.

      Reading a textbook surely gives you knowledge , you learn , you write in exams,you forget and your cycle of this type of learning continue but if the same topic is taught through  a practical  Demonstration, it is etched in the mind  but current education system of higher studies with all books and no practical  knowledge the spirit to know more is crushed and it simply became a matter of scoring in exams only a curious mind has the capacity to learn and apply the knowledge in a constructive way. 

       In practical education ,  we don't require  to mugging up everything , some people have an inborn talent on remembering everything that read even if they have read it once but others have to cram it very hard in order to retain it. If you don't want to make your child bookworm who always lost time in apply of books than practical education which must be supplemented with theoretical teaching when practically looking at thing and experiencing it. We do not need to cram it from book. While doing things  practically, it can be in form of  experiments, read life projects or educational trips. The experience of  knowledge and learning  stays in our mind for long time.

        Practical  education develops better understanding, for example you  understand  reflection of light only when you see  in the mirror and experiment it or we can say practical try. Then includes the practice For example : If we want to improve our language  ,we have to speak regularly  it does not  possible by reading books only. Improve your skills by training  and exercise. Practical education involves the application  and deals  with  real life situation. Practical education is more interesting  and  motivates team work.

      Teacher should followed this types of technique for teaching in higher education because  practical education can produce  intellectual and capable for different field not for only one like if we are in field of Literature, it doesn't mean that we don't need to know about others like Science, Technology, Mathematics etc.. it can gives allover development of students. Technology is most important thing in modern times,so students should have knowledge  about how to use technology with their particular field. If this kind of understanding  increase among students that can give fruitful result of  allover learning. This practical education is better and more effective in Education World.    

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