Here I am sharing my views regarding Structuralism.
In structuralism, Rolard Barthes gave structuralist method to the general field of modern culture like movies, advertisement,songs etc.He gave an example of wrestling and boxing. Here I analyze the advertisement of Nirma Detergent Powder.
This is a link of a video of old advertisement of Nirma detergent powder. In this we can see that how the whiteness which came by using this powder shown in different ways with female characters as housewife, working women, modernized women at different places and in different profession but the old techniques,costumes and traditions like sari , garba etc.
This is of second add of this powder in which we found unreal thing that when woman speak Nirma the dirty water stop which is not possible in reality but it used here to attract customer to buy it. In this at picture if we see there is strong distinction at capture of camera that shows how 'Dag' is stop by only name of it. its also connect with moral and physical purity is more important here.
This is the third and new add of this. In this add, we can see how the structure of presenting is change. It is from feminist view that how women have strength to bring out the Ambulance from mud while men see by standing there. so this shows that how a particular and normal structure of advertisement can change as per demand of time.
So through these three adds of Nirma and its whiteness we come to know about the change in society and in thoughts of people that in first add we find that purity is very important that is of white and is related to human's character also that it should be pure.There should be no any 'Dag' on his/her character. while in third add we find that there is no mare importance of stay away from 'Dag' that women without worrying about mud or dirtiness helped ambulance to bring out of mud while other men stand there to see not to help. so it show the real purity of inside not outer world. so the old saying change that 'DAG achhe nahi hote' to now 'DAG achhe hai'. so how the advertisement present the great idea and changing thought process of people.